Monday, November 10, 2008

Why I write what I do...

The question some writers get is why do they write erotic romance.
As I looked at the question I thought about what I read growing up. Oh, I wasn't reading erotica as a child, but I recall reading the first Harlequin Presents. Those were passionate love stories that boggled the mind of this then 14 year old child. Wow, you can have sex without being married and live happily ever after!

As I grew older, other authors that I read began to write sexier stories. Who could not forget reading their first Bertrice Small??? Back then it seemed the more sexy books were historicals, but then contemporary authors, such as Linda Howard, began to pen some sizzling tales. Whew, anyone read After the Night by Linda Howard???
From then on, I devoured books featuring hot sex and eventually entered the world of erotica, but always veered back to erotic romance, because I like my happily ever after when "The End" is reached.

When I decided to take the plunge as a romance writer, I knew there was no way I could not pen stories which didn't include hot, sizzling sex scenes. Of course, writing them proved a challenge. How could one write about sex when it made you blush? :D But, I succeeded, and hopefully you will purchase my upcoming release from Whispers Publishing called A Christmas Wish.

Right now, check out my web site at to learn more about A Christmas Wish and be sure to enter my contest. If you do purchase A Christmas Wish, be sure to drop me a line letting me know how you liked it (or not).