Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Editing...Again and Again....

Last week I finished a short story for Whispers. Right now I'm editing, which involves going through each and every word, sentence, paragraph and checking for grammar, spelling, story flow, etc. While editing can be tedious, it is part of writing and something every writer has to deal with at some point in the writing process. After a while, you just might get sick of your story. LOL!

For fun, I took this quiz. What can I say....

You Should Be a Romance Novelist

You see the world as it should be, and this goes double for all matters of the heart.

You can find the romance in any situation, and you would make a talented romance story writer...

And while you may be a traditional romantic, you're just as likely to be drawn to quirky or dark love stories.

As long as it deals with infatuation, heartbreak, and soulmates - you could write it.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Sunny Sunday

It's been hot all weekend, which has prompted me to stay inside. That being said, I got caught up on reading and began editing a short story I finished on Tuesday.

Oddly, I felt like I was almost at the Romance Writers of America conference in Washington DC this year via all the Twitters from those attending. Technology is fabulous and instant. Last night, I got to see the winners announced on Twitter as even RWA was twittering the results. Other twitters commented on the gowns, bling and the interesting moments of the RITA/GH ceremony.

But all in all, I am glad I didn't attend this year. While it would've been nice, my pocketbook would have ended up stretched.

If you want to see what went on during the conference, then I suggest you head on over here and check out the National Blog.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


This year, I'm missing the RWA (Romance Writers of America) national conference. Flying into DC would be a big trip for me and I decided I'd rather stay home and write. I thought I would share some of the fun things I remember from past conferences.


First off, it's meeting all those famous authors and realizing they are just like you and me. I still remember running into Nora and having her ask me (ME) how I was enjoying the conference.

Secondly, the conferences can be trying, and downtime is highly recommended. But people watching (and chatting) is fun to do. Just don't drink too much or an editor or agent will likely remember you in a not so nice way. Thankfully that has never happened to me.

An excursion during NYC in 2003 when we hit sex toy shops and Chinatown on the same night. Loads of fun and an eyeopener for 'lil me. I thought sex toys only could be found in catalogs. :)

Eating Chinese food in San Francisco last year. Yes, something simple but it was the first time I had ever eaten authentic SF Chinese food. One word... YUMMY!

I hope to go next year when RWA visits Nashville. I'm not a big country western fan, but the city excites me and I have been looking forward to 2010.

Has anyone else been to a conference?


Monday, July 13, 2009


I have a new sale to Whispers Publishing to report! I've sold Summer Drive. It's a short story and I don't have a release date yet, but as soon as I do, I'll post the information.
I'm really thrilled to have it sell, since this was one of those off the wall stories I wrote first draft of one Sunday. It came to me and awayyyy I went typing and typing. I hope you, the reader, enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it.

Here's a blurb:

Natalie Joyner didn't expect her solitary highway drive to turn into the hottest sex she could remember having. Then again, she hadn't expected to run into Deputy Sheriff Logan Sheffield. She savors their sizzling passion in the blazing heat. Little does she know that he intends for what they had to be so much more than A Summer Drive...

To help celebrate, I'm posting another picture of Gilles.... yummmmm...

Whispers Scavenger Hunt!!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

What I have learned about Twitter

1. It can be addictive. After a while, I just shut it off and there have been days I’m not even on Twitter. Much like other social networking, “Twittering” can be a time waster.

2. However, it’s fun to follow favorite authors or celebrities, as you get to know them a little better. Some are very entertaining...while others are...Do you ever tweet???

3. Twitter is starting to be invaded by Spammers much like MySpace and other social network places are. Sometimes it’s hard to figure who is a spammer and who is just new to Twitter.

4. Then there are the writers/authors who think the only purpose of Twitter is to promote themselves and their writing. Come on, lighten up. Let us get to know you a little. I know you are only tempting me to unfollow you if I have to get another round of “Here’s my book and how you can buy it” tweeting.

5. On the other hand, how many times have I had a bit of “sqeee” realizing someone I admire is following me??? Makes you feel like you’ve arrived. Yeah, baby!!!

6. Tweeting by phone and other applications—I haven’t yet figured out how they do it, and I envy those who do. But I suspect that if I did get tweetdeck, iphone or other Twitter platforms, I’ll be sucked big time into Twittering.

7. Sigh...I need to get back to writing... and tweeting...

Holli can be followed on Twitter at
If you happen to see her on Twitter, be sure to give her a tweet hello!