Sunday, July 12, 2009

What I have learned about Twitter

1. It can be addictive. After a while, I just shut it off and there have been days I’m not even on Twitter. Much like other social networking, “Twittering” can be a time waster.

2. However, it’s fun to follow favorite authors or celebrities, as you get to know them a little better. Some are very entertaining...while others are...Do you ever tweet???

3. Twitter is starting to be invaded by Spammers much like MySpace and other social network places are. Sometimes it’s hard to figure who is a spammer and who is just new to Twitter.

4. Then there are the writers/authors who think the only purpose of Twitter is to promote themselves and their writing. Come on, lighten up. Let us get to know you a little. I know you are only tempting me to unfollow you if I have to get another round of “Here’s my book and how you can buy it” tweeting.

5. On the other hand, how many times have I had a bit of “sqeee” realizing someone I admire is following me??? Makes you feel like you’ve arrived. Yeah, baby!!!

6. Tweeting by phone and other applications—I haven’t yet figured out how they do it, and I envy those who do. But I suspect that if I did get tweetdeck, iphone or other Twitter platforms, I’ll be sucked big time into Twittering.

7. Sigh...I need to get back to writing... and tweeting...

Holli can be followed on Twitter at
If you happen to see her on Twitter, be sure to give her a tweet hello!

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